Acidification of the stomach
The stomach is functioning properly only when the gastric juices are very acidic (pH 1-3). Mucosa produces pepsin (protein digesting enzyme) and strong hydrochloric acid, which is essential for proper digestion, therefore high pH 7 occurs only where the gastric juices come in contact with the gastric mucosa; wherein the acidity is continuously neutralized. When the

Another portion of vitamins
In one of the previous entries I have outlined a few of the popular dietary supplements. However, there are far more of them. – To many of us, our grandma or mother in our childhood told to eat vegetables beacuse they have many vitamins. That’s true, hoever each child would do otherwise. As far parents

Popular supplements
Dietary supplements over the past years have gained many followers. Americanization of the society makes you focus on antyhing that happens behind the great ocean, where a sizable percentage of people can’t imagine life without them. However, why are they so special? Why are they so popular?

Shall we use supplements?
When we consume products with small amounts of nutrients, our body enriches them “stockpiling” to be complete. Is it hte only reason we need vitamins and supplements?

What’s the benefit ot filtering the water?
The water filter is not necessary, but you can not deny its advantages. There are many of the facts and the myths being created about the usual “tap water”. What does the filtering water affect?

Online diet
In order to look and feel good, we are ready for commitments. Online dieticians use this fact giving us perfect solution which will be the salvation. How can we believe people that don’t really know us and have no idea about our lifestyle? What should we pay attention to while choosing a diet forourselves? When
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